- DC/DC Converter
Conversion efficiency up to 99%
Bidirectional energy flow
Integrated design with charge and discharge
Supports multiple communication interfaces including Ethernet/WIFI/GPRS/CAN
- RK-BP Series AC Coupler
Compatible with lithium battery and lead-acid battery
Wireless communication
Flexible control for monitoring system through APP
No fan design
- Rack Mount PC BR6216 Series
The BR6216 is a frame embedded computer based on an industrial Cortex-A8 processor with a 600MHz main frequency RISC architecture. It supports two 10/100 adaptive industrial Ethernet interfaces, eight serial communication interfaces (2 RS232/6 RS485), customizable WIFI/4G, 8 DI and 4 DO, large capacity SD memory card interfaces, and a built-in RTC and buzzer.